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A Professional Grade Smoker? Bradley Smoker BS611 Review

The Bradley Smoker BS611 is one of the top-rated smokers out there who claims to be a professional-grade smoker. So is the BS611 Bradley Smoker’s original smoker worth it? Let’s find out!

✅ Professional grade size and design ❌ Slow cooking times
✅ Easy to use ❌ Requires frequent water refills
✅ Highly reliable
✅ No burning smell or taste
✅ Includes delicious meat recipes


Our Verdict

Unlike most other generic meat smokers out there, the Bradley Smoker BS611 offers a seamless smoking experience both in terms of its performance and ease of use. Thanks to a large 4-rack design, you are able to smoke all of your meat at once with high-end temperatures of up to 280 degrees Fahrenheit.

With the unique wooden bisquette system, you can easily smoke meat without adding wooden pellets repeatedly. With all of this, the Bradley Smoker can, most importantly, offer delicious and juicy smoked meat.

Overview of the Bradley BS611 Smoker

Even though there is quite a lot to consider while picking any kind of smoker, there are a few key points to remember to ensure you get the right smoker for your home. Thus, here are the 4 key factors why you should consider the Bradley Smoker BS611 as the next smoker for your home:

Cooking Capacity

As the original Bradley BS611 smoker mentions, having a high cooking capacity is quite important as a professional smoker. Starting with the physical capacity and the amount of meat you can add at once, this Bradley smoker offers a total of 4 racks.

While there are larger 6-rack options available out there as well, a 4-rack smoker will be more than enough for most. More importantly, you even get the support for a high-end smoking temperature of up to 280 degrees Fahrenheit which is to be expected from a heavy-duty smoker.

Fueling Method

Usually, most electric smokers will use wooden pellets as fuel that get burnt and then smoke their meat. However, this not only requires you to add more wooden pellets again and again, but it can even cause a burnt taste in your meat because of the uncontrolled burning of the wooden pellets.

Also, cleaning up burnt wooden pellets can be quite frustrating too. Hence, the Bradley Smoker BS611 uses large wooden bisquettes that offer the best taste while being easy to use. Once added to the smoker, you can smoke meat for up to 9 hours without adding more fuel or bisquettes.

Controls and Features

Despite having a powerful and high-end smoker, you won’t be able to use it to the fullest without having the right controls. Thankfully, the Bradley Smoker BS611 controls are quite easy to use and highly versatile. Starting with the bisquette feeder or the fueling system, it gives you a large temperature dial.

With this, you can easily set a temperature according to your preference. Once you have set a temperature, you can monitor the same using the temperature gauge on the smoker unit. This way, you can ensure you are not overcooking the meat while smoking it.

Build Quality

Lastly, the Bradley Smoker BS611 offers all these features and a premium and solid build quality. Starting with the outside, you get a sturdy metal construction that can easily last for years. More importantly, you get a stainless steel and polished interior, which offers multiple benefits.

Apart from being solid in construction, this interior is easy to clean and offers amazing insulation for keeping the interior hot for as long as possible. Since you even get a 1-year warranty along with the solid construction of this smoker, it can easily be used for years without any issues.

Bradley BS611: The Pork Ribs Test

No smoker review or comparison is complete without a proper pork ribs test. While you can smoke all kinds of meats with the Bradley Smoker BS611, smoking pork spare ribs gives you a great idea of its all-over performance. And this is how it goes with the original Bradley Smoker:

Juicy and Tender

You would want the meat to be as juicy and tender as possible when making smoked pork ribs. And this is exactly what the Bradley Smoker BS611 offers. With a completely enclosed smoker which can smoke for up to 9 hours at up to 280 degrees Fahrenheit, this Bradley BS611 ensures the pork stays juicy and tender.

No Burnt Taste

Instead of using traditional wooden pellets, which can even burn, the Bradley Smoker BS611 uses its own wooden bisquettes. They are quite large, so they do not burn at all. Hence, it even prevents any burning taste in your meat, which is important to get tasty pork.

Slow and Easy

While one of the downsides of the Bradley Smoker BS611 is that it takes a lot of time to cook and smoke meat, this also results in an upside. Since the meat smokes slowly, it ensures it takes up the smokey taste well. More importantly, you can be assured that the meat will not be burnt as it is cooked over a long period of time.

Highly Consistent

Even though the Bradley Smoker BS611 offers a total of 4 racks of smoking meat, all of these racks offer the same results. So, whether the pork was placed on the top or bottom rack, it had almost the same taste, tenderness, and juiciness. Hence, even if you are smoking a large amount of meat, you can expect consistent results.

Bradley Smoker BS611 vs the Competition

As great as the Bradley Smoker BS611 is, it is not perfect, considering that it has long smoking times and even requires a water tray to be refilled inside. Since this Bradley BS611 smoker leaves the user wanting for more, here are some more alternatives:

Char Broil Deluxe

The Char Broil Deluxe can be a great option if budget is not an issue. Compared to the Bradley Smoker BS611, it offers an even larger design. It has a 725 square inch area compared to the 572 square inch area of the Bradley BS611. While it also uses wooden pallets and wooden blocks for its fuels, you get a fully digital control making it a highly versatile alternative.

Char-Broil 19202101 Deluxe Black Digital Electric Smoker, Large, 725 Square Inch,Gray

Masterbuilt MB20071117

Those of you who are looking for something large but don’t want the most versatile one should go with this Masterbuilt one. Compared with the Bradley Smoker BS611, this is much cheaper and affordable. And you still get a cooking space of 730 square inches, which is larger than the cooking space of 572 square inches.

Masterbuilt MB20071117 Digital Electric Smoker, 30", Black

Pit Boss Analog Smoker

Despite being an older model, the Pit Boss analog smoker is still amazing for those on a budget. While it lacks digital controls, the basic analog design will get the job done on a budget. Even at the given price, you still get an area of 593 square inches which is a bit higher than the Bradley BS611’s 572 square inches.

Pit Boss 77220 2.2 Analog Smoker, 2 Series, Blue

The Verdict

While the other alternatives to the Bradley Smoker BS611 are amazing, this smoker still holds up with its unique fueling design. And if you want something automated and carefree, it is certainly a great option, even at the higher-end price.

Users’ Thoughts on the Bradley Smoker Model BS611

We have already covered most of the important details and highlights of the Bradley Smoker BS611. But if you want to pick the best meat smoker for your home, our word alone is insufficient. So, here’s what the users of this Bradley Smoker model BS611 have to say:

Highly Versatile

Most Bradley Smoker BS611 users have mentioned in their reviews that they can smoke all kinds of meat with it. Whether it is pork, beef, turkey, chicken, fish, or pretty much any other meat, this smoker can handle them all. And the impressive part is that if you select the right temperature, the taste will always come out to be amazing.

Superb Reliability

Long-term users of the Bradley Smoker BS611 have mentioned that their units lasted more than 10 years before they had to buy a new one. This is made possible with the stainless steel construction, simple and straightforward design, and, most importantly, the included warranty of this smoker.

Easy to Clean

Apart from being highly durable, another benefit of having a polished stainless steel interior is that nothing easily sticks to it. As a result, the Bradley Smoker BS611 is easy to clean and maintain. Once you have used it, you can use a damp cloth to clean up your Bradley BS611 and remove all stains.

Is the Bradley Smoker BS611 worth it?

While there are certainly many other entry-level smokers out there, the Bradley Smoker BS611 offers a unique experience for smoking meat at home. Even though the price might be a bit higher, it offers a unique smoking method for the same.

Thanks to the wooden bisquette system for smoking meat, the Bradley smoker requires minimum work and offers the best-tasting flavors. With a high-end temperature rating of up to 280 degrees Fahrenheit and a fuel capacity of up to 9 hours, it is definitely a great pick for heavy-duty and professional usage.

Why you should pick the Original Bradley Smoker?

Other than Bradley Smoker’s original smoker, the Bradley BS611, it also offers various other smokers. And with all of these, you get a large-sized design and modern features expected from an electric smoker. More importantly, here are the four reasons why should pick the original Bradley smoker:

High Capacity Smoker

One of the best things about all Bradley Smoker units is that they all come in large sizes. While the Bradley Smoker BS611 offers a 4-rack design, you can even find larger 6-rack smokers offered by Bradley Smoker. And with such a large design, you can smoke a lot of meat at once. So, even if you use this smoker professionally in a restaurant or in a large event, you won’t run out of space. The same holds true for its fuel capacity since it can hold a lot of bisquettes at once.

Unparalleled Flavor

Speaking of the wooden bisquettes used by Bradley Smoker BS611, this smoker and other offerings by Bradley Smoker offer amazing flavors for smoking all kinds of meats. Since this smoker does not use traditional wooden pellets, it has the least burning taste and maximum smokey flavor. This is made possible with its wooden bisquettes, which do not burn quickly but take their time while smoking the meat. And since the whole smoker is well contained, along with a water tray inside, it ensures the meat stays juicy without drying up.

Easy-to-Use Controls

Even if you use a meat smoker for the first time, you won’t have any issues using the Bradley Smoker BS611 or any other smokers it offers. As this smoker machine has only so many parts, this and other Bradley Smoker offerings are quite easy to use. You can add all the meat inside the racks, fill up the wooden bisquettes, and choose the time and duration you want. After that, your Bradley smoker unit will automatically smoke the meat while burning the wooden bisquettes one by one. It even collects the burnt bisquettes at the bottom without needing a lot of cleaning.

Construction and Reliability

Compared to its alternatives, all Bradley Smoker units are known for their construction and reliability. This also holds true for the original Bradley Smoker BS611, which offers a sturdy construction similar to a refrigerator. The whole enclosure is completely closed, with metal construction on the inside. Even the bisquette hold offers a seamless connection on the side. And all of this ensures that no smoke is coming from the smoker unit. You even get a 1-year long warranty with Bradley Smokers, which is always great for your peace of mind.

FAQs about the Bradley BS611

Q. How many Bradley bisquettes do you need in an hour?

With the Bradley Smoker model BS611, you can add bisquettes for the smoking process, where each bisquette or bisquette lasts for 20 minutes. So, you will need 3 bisquettes everywhere. However, you will need 1 extra bisquette to start the smoking process initially.

Q. How long do Bradley smokers last once loaded up?

Since the Bradley Smoker BS611 stores multiple bisquettes at once, it can last for up to 8 hours or so once you have loaded it. Thus, you can use this smoker for multiple hours if water is in the internal tray.

Q. How long does a Bradley smoker take to heat up?

Once you have started your Bradley Smoker BS611, it will take about 2 hours to heat up to 130 degrees Fahrenheit. However, this heating time can be shortened if you use the heater function of this smoker.

Q. Can you store your Bradley smoker outdoors?

Even with a closed enclosure, the BS611 Smoker still releases smoke when it works. Hence, it is highly recommended to store the same outdoors. It is recommended to store it in a sheltered area with a level ground.


Overall, the original Bradley Smoker offers many quality-of-life features along with a massive size, making it perfect for professional work and smoking meat at home! And being a digital smoker, the Bradley Smoker BS611 is also highly accurate and precise. This leads to the juiciest and full of flavor smoked meat.



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